Hi there, thanks for stopping by and welcome!
My name is Cherryl, I am a French artist and marbler based in London.
I first stumbled upon paper marbling when I was studying in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts where I trained in printmaking. Back then, I specialised in monoprints, woodblock and offset printing, as well as watercolours.
In this field of artistic research, paper crafts have always had a significant influence on my work. But it is only a few years later when I moved to the UK that I dived into the marbling craft itself.
I am self-taught and got hooked into marbling very quickly for the scope this technique has to offer.
Inspired by tradition but working with contemporary methods, my ambition is to promote excellent craftsmanship combined with a strong sense of aesthetic to create dazzling papers.
I also deeply believe that man-made can (still!) beat machine-made and that by working to the highest standard possible, I help perpetrating this endangered craft in our modern times.
I am hoping you will feel inspired browsing through my papers and that maybe this will support you in the making of your own craft, or simply provide you with a bit of beauty wherever you are.